Levin College of Law

2024 Alumni Award Recipients

University of Florida Levin College of Law honored six amazing alumni leaders at our Past, Present, & Future Awards Ceremony. Learn more about the celebration here.

This year’s award recipients are:

Outstanding Public Service Award

Honors alumni for their outstanding contributions to critical social, economic, or public needs. While not always the case, this award may recognize alumni who serve (or have recently served) as elected or appointed officials.

Photo of The Hon. Susan Black
The Hon. Susan Black (JD 67)

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit

Outstanding Recent Alumni Award

Honors alumni (graduates within 10 years) who have typified the UF Law ethos of excellence through their personal accomplishment, professional achievement, or humanitarian service.

Photo of Simone Chriss
Simone Chriss (JD 16)

Southern Legal Counsel

Photo of Brock Hankins
Brock Hankins (JD 14)

Department of Defense

Outstanding Alumni Award

Honors alumni who have typified the UF Law ethos of excellence through personal accomplishment, professional achievement, or humanitarian service.

Photo of David Lancelot
David Lancelot (JD 99)


Photo of Cecily McLeod
Cecily McLeod (JD 06)

Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani

UF Law Distinguished Service Award

Honors alumni who have contributed outstanding service over an extended period to the progress and activities of the law school and its students.

Dean Emeritus Jon Mills
Dean Emeritus Jon Mills (JD 72)

Levin College of Law

Published: April 10th, 2024

Category: News

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