Levin College of Law

Entrepreneurship & Law

Core Courses


LAW 6063 | 3 Credits

Business Enterprises Survey

LAW 6068 | 5 Credits

Patent Law

LAW 6573 | 3 Credits

Income Taxation

LAW 6600 | 3 Credits

Accounting for Lawyers

LAW 6930 | 2-3 Credits

Corporate Finance

LAW 6064 | 3 Credits

Elective Courses

Trade Secrets

LAW 6571 | 3 Credits

Securities Regulation

LAW 6560 | 3 Credits

IP Licensing

LAW 6936 | 2 Credits

Patent Drafting and Prosecution I

LAW 6936 | 2 Credits

Patent Drafting and Prosecution II

LAW 6936 | 2 Credits

Advising the Entrepreneur

LAW 6930 | Credits

Employment Law

LAW 6545 | 3 Credits

Highly Supportive

Corporate Taxation

LAW 6610 | 3 Credits

Partnership Taxation

LAW 6616 | 2-3 Credits

Mergers and Acquisitions

LAW 6067 | 3 Credits

Copyright Law

LAW 6572 | 3 Credits

Skills Courses

Summer Experiences

Externships (up to 6 credits): In addition to paid employment opportunities, there are numerous in-house corporate externships with high growth companies. Recent placements include: Banyan Biomarkers, Inc., Escape Media Group, Inc., d/b/a Grooveshark.com, Exactech, Infinite Energy, Inc., Invensys, Jabil Circuit Inc., MDLIVE Care Health Services, Inc., Tech Data, Zumba Fitness, LLC.

*Other Information

Students may take up to 6 credit hours of coursework outside of the law school that count toward the J.D. degree. Courses that support this practice area on topics such as: high tech entrepreneurship, venture analysis, managing innovation, entrepreneurship profit metrics, venture finance, strategic management for entrepreneurs and business negotiations are available in the Colleges of Business and Engineering may be available in various departments and colleges across campus. Students should consult the course catalog for the relevant department and then discuss the course with a law school advisor to determine whether it makes sense to take the course. Students may also wish to pursue a joint degree program to earn a Master’s degree along with their law degree. For more information, visit Interdisciplinary Opportunities.