Michelle S. Jacobs
Emeritus Professor of Law
(352) 273-0940
Michelle Jacobs taught Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, International Criminal Law and Critical Race Theory. Before joining the academy, Professor Jacobs was an experienced trial attorney. She represented union workers in District Council 37, New York’s second largest union and then went on to represent plaintiffs in federal civil rights litigation under the Fair Housing Act 42 U.S. C 3601, et seq. After transitioning her practice to criminal defense, she represented defendants in federal cases in the Southern District of New York and in the state courts of New York and New Jersey.
J.D., Rutgers University
A.B., Princeton University (cum laude)
Teaching and Scholarship
Criminal Law, Critical Race Theory, Women Defendants in the Criminal Justice System
- FEMINIST LEGAL THEORY: BEYOND ESSENTIALISM (co-editor, New York University Press) (2002)
Representative Articles
- The Violent State: Black Women’s Invisible Struggle Against Police Violence, 24 Wm & Mary J. Women & L. 39 (2017)
- Loyalty’s Reward – A Felony Conviction: Recent Prosecutions of High – Status Female Offenders, 33 Fordham Urb. L. J. 843 (2006)
- Full Legal Representation for the Poor: The Clash Between Lawyer Values and Client Worthiness, 44 How. L.J. 257 (2001) [bepress]
- Coming Full Circle: The African American Struggle for Full Citizenship Under Color of Law, Transforming Anthropology (Vol 9, 2000)
- Prostitutes, Drug Users and Thieves: The Invisible Women in the Campaign to End Violence Against Women, 8 Temp. Pol. & Civ. Rts. L. Rev. 459 (1999)
- Requiring Battered Women Die: Murder Liability for Mothers Under Failure to Protect Statutes, 88 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 579 (1998)
- People From the Footnotes: The Missing Element in Client Centered Counseling, 27 Golden Gate U. L. Rev. 345 (1997).