For The Love Of Law

Chance for legal career in new homeland
After the Cuban Revolution, many lawyers were exiled to America and especially Florida but were unable to practice the profession for which they had trained in their homeland and to which they were deeply dedicated. At their urging in 1973, the Florida Supreme Court approved and UF Law developed a course of study to teach foreign lawyers…
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View the webcast of the lunch panel.
View the webcast of the celebration.
University of Florida Levin College of Law alumni, students, faculty and friends and their guests are invited to join us in honoring the many who pursued their dream of a legal career in our country at a very special October event: For the Love of Law: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Cuban-American Lawyers Program. This event is free and open to the public.
In 1973, the University of Florida Levin College of Law became a pioneer in legal education by creating a program that gave Cuban lawyers in exile the opportunity to become practicing attorneys in the United States. The Cuban-American Lawyers Program allowed foreign lawyers to attend law school on a part-time basis, take the Florida Bar Examination, and if they passed the exam, enter the bar.
UF Law is commemorating the 40th anniversary of the program with a special event in Gainesville, featuring a list of prestigious speakers, including Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Jorge Labarga, UF President Kent Fuchs, UF Law Dean Laura Rosenbury and UF Distinguished Alumnus and former American Bar Association President Stephen N. Zack. “For the Love of Law: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Cuban-American Lawyers Program,” will be at UF Law in the Martin H. Levin Advocacy Center on Oct. 16, 2015, from 3 to 5 p.m. with a wine and tapas reception following from 5 to 7 p.m.
The event is free and open to the public. Participants of the Cuban-American Lawyers Program and their families are especially encouraged to attend.
RSVP by filling out the form below (since space is limited we encourage you to respond at your earliest convenience).
Date: Friday, Oct. 16, 2015
- 12-2 p.m., Luncheon and Panel Discussion, with a presentation by Osvaldo Miranda Diaz and remarks by original CALP participants and their families in the UF Law Faculty Dining Room
- 3-5 p.m., For the Love of Law: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Cuban-American Lawyers Program in the Martin H. Levin Advocacy Center Courtroom
- 5-7 p.m., Wine and Tapas Reception in the Martin H. Levin Advocacy Center Courtroom Foyer, to include tours by the Latino Law Student Association, Cuban-American Bar Association and International Law Society student groups. The tours will include the new, permanent display honoring participants in the Cuban-American Lawyers Program.
Location: University of Florida Levin College of Law Martin H. Levin Advocacy Center Courtroom for program and foyer for the following wine and tapas reception. The Advocacy Center is located on the law school campus, at 411 Village Drive, Gainesville, Florida. Click here for directions.
Accommodations: For your convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center for Thursday and Friday nights, October 15 & 16, 2015. Call 1-800-HILTONS and mention the Cuban-American Lawyers Program or access the hotel group page (group code LC1015) to receive the special rate of $142 per night. Your reservations must be made by October 2, 2015, to guarantee a room at the special rate. The Hilton University of Florida Conference Center is located at 1714 SW 34th Street in Gainesville, Florida.
Parking: Parking restrictions will be lifted Friday, October 16, 2015, in the Green (see the signs) lots adjacent and to the South and East of the law school.
Special Needs: If your attendance requires any aids or services as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify us at least two weeks prior to the program date.
Questions: Contact UF Law Public Functions Coordinator Colleen Flage at 352-273-0615 or
Speakers will include:
- UF President Kent Fuchs
- UF Law Dean Laura Rosenbury
- Former American Bar Association President (2010-11), Florida Bar President (1989-90) and UF Distinguished Alumnus Stephen N. Zack
- Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court and UF Distinguished Alumnus Jorge Labarga
- Cuban-American Lawyers Program (CALP) Program graduate Jose (“Pepe”) A. Villalobos, named a “Legal Legend” in 2015 by the 11th Judicial Circuit Historical Society
- UF Law LCA Board of Trustees Chair Oscar Sanchez
- UF Professor of Law Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol
- UF Law Professor Emeritus and former CALP Program faculty member Fletcher Baldwin
- Cuban lawyer Osvaldo Miranda Diaz, former judge on one of Cuba’s 14 commercial courts
- Plant City Bar Association President Harley Herman, longtime Virgil Hawkins Foundation President
This event is funded through the Stephen N. Zack Law Endowment.