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- 2006 Inductees
2006 Inductees
- Law Center Association
- Heritage of Leadership
- Law Alumni Council
To permanently honor outstanding and notable alumni of the University of Florida Levin College of Law and their contributions to the state and University, the Law Center Association Board of Trustees established the Heritage of Leadership Recognition Society. The Selection Committee determined the initial classes of inductees, barring exceptional circumstances, would be honored posthumously.
Class of 2006

Chester H. Ferguson
Chester H. Ferguson
Class of 1930
Chairman Florida Board of Regents, Founder MacFarlane Ferguson, P.A.

Clara Backus Floyd Gehan
Clara Backus Floyd Gehan
Class of 1933
Among first female UF Law graduates, President Eighth Judicial Circuit Bar Association, Instrumental in founding of Three Rivers Legal Services and Law School Legal Aid Clinics

William O.E. Henry
William O.E. Henry
Class of 1952
Florida Bar President, Advocate for legal aid, Partner- Holland & Knight

The Hon. John T. Wigginton
The Hon. John T. Wigginton
Class of 1932
Chief Judge First District Court of Appeals, FL, Florida Bar President
Heritage of Leadership selection committee 2005-2007
- Scott Hawkins ’83, Chair, West Palm Beach
- Hon. Patricia Fawsett ’73, Vice-Chair, Orlando
- E.L. Roy Hunt, Emeritus Faculty, Gainesville
- Marybeth McDonald ’82, Orlando
- Hon. Benjamin Overton ’52, Tallahassee
- S. Austin Peele ’63, Lake City
- Johnson “Buddy” Savary ’56, Sarasota
- Betty “Grace” Taylor ’62, Faculty Emeritus, Gainesville
- Frank Upchurch, III, ’74, St. Augustine