Levin College of Law

Center on Children & Families

The Center on Children and Families is an interdisciplinary center committed to bringing an interdisciplinary, evidence-based and child-centered approach to issues of children’s law and policy.

Welcome to the Center on Children & Families

Stacey Steinberg


Our Center is committed to filling the need for high quality advocacy, teaching and scholarship by creating programs and resources that bring an interdisciplinary, evidence-based and child-centered approach to issues of children’s law and policy. Through its Gator TeamChild Juvenile Law Clinic, events, and student fellowships, the Center on Children and Families is training a new generation of advocates for a new era.


Train a new generation of advocates for children and their families.
Educate children about their rights and responsibilities in a free society, and
Promote interdisciplinary and child-centered methods for studying systems serving children and their families.

Gator TeamChild Juvenile Law Clinic Working Papers and Resources

Explore research from our students via our Scholarship Repository.

Explore the Gator TeamChild Juvenile Law Clinic’s Trauma Responsive Approach resource guide.