Levin College of Law

Book Awards

The Levin College of Law values academic excellence in the classroom and seeks to recognize students who excel academically.  The Levin College of Law has partnered with the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) to recognize students’ academic excellence with CALI Excellence for the Future Book Awards.

To view awards, please click the link below to visit the CALI website: CALI Excellence for the Future Book Awards

To view Book Award recipients prior to Fall 2018, please click here.

Book Award Sponsorships

  • Book Award sponsorship provides unrestricted funds to support UF Law’s mission through its academic programs and student scholarships.
  • A Book Award can be named for a five-year period through a single gift of $25,000 or annual contributions of $5,000 for five years. A Book Award may also be sponsored in perpetuity by establishing a $100,000 endowment in the chosen name.
  • Sponsors have the opportunity to select the Book Award they wish to sponsor from a list of available courses. Sponsors should note that not all courses are offered every semester or academic year.
  • Book Awards can be named for individuals, law firms, or corporations.


For more information or to sponsor a Book Award, please contact the Office of Development & Alumni Affairs by phone at 352.273.0640 or by email at development@law.ufl.edu.