Dowd publishes article on Developmental Equality Model
Nancy E. Dowd, A Developmental Equality Model for the Best Interests of Children, in Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Elaine E. Sutherland & Lesley-Anne Barnes Macfarlane eds., 2017).
McMahon publishes Federal Income Taxation, Seventh Edition
Martin J. McMahon, Jr., Daniel L. Simmons, Bradley T. Borden, & Dennis J. Ventry, Jr., Federal Income Taxation (7th ed. 2017).
Hernandez-Truyol publishes article in Santa Clara Journal of International Law
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol, Glocalizing Women’s Health and Safety: Migration, Work, and Labor, 15 Santa Clara J. Int’l L. 48 (2017).
Sokol publishes book on Patent Assertion Entities and Competition Policy
![Photo of Sokol](
Patent Assertion Entities and Competition Policy (D. Daniel Sokol ed., Cambridge University Press 2017).
Harrison publishes article on Antitrust Law and Economics in Italian Law Journal
![Photo of Jeffrey Harrison](
Jeffrey L. Harrison, Some Inconvenient Truths about Antitrust Law and Economics, 2 It. L.J. 471 (2016),
Tritt publishes article on the Retroactive Application of Obergefell in Wisconsin Law Review
![Photo of Tritt](
Lee-ford Tritt, Moving Forward by Looking Back: The Retroactive Application of Obergefell, 5 Wis. L. Rev. 873 (2016).
Hamilton publishes article on E-Discovery
Ralph Artigliere, Gill Freeman & William Hamilton, League of Women Voters of Fla. v. Detzner: The Florida Supreme Court’s Hidden Pre-Litigation E-Discovery Preservation Mandate, 90 Fla. B.J. 8 (2016).
Tritt publishes chapter on Trust Arbitration
![Photo of Tritt](
Lee-ford Tritt, Legislative Approaches to Trust Arbitration in the United States, in Arbitration of Trust Disputes: Issues in National and International Law (S.I. Strong & Tony Molloy eds., 2016).[SSRN]
Fenster publishes article on legal intellectual history
![Photo of Fenster](
Mark Fenster, Mr. Peabody’s Improbable Legal Intellectual History, 64 Buff. L. Rev. 101 (2016) [SSRN]
Stein publishes article on reliability of the electric system
![Photo of Stein](
Amy L. Stein, Regulating Reliability, 54 Houston L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2016) [SSRN]