Levin College of Law

Course Number: LAW 6315 Credits: 2

Arbitration continues to grow in its importance in a wide range of practice areas. It is routinely used in business to business contracts because of the privacy and efficiency. It is ubiquitous in “click to agree” consumer agreements for cell phones, streaming services, and other routine purchases. Arbitration is often the process of choice in construction contracts that depend on the specialized expertise of the trier of fact. Arbitration is preferred in international commercial transactions as an alternative to the domestic court of one contractor or the other. In these different practice areas, the arbitration process can appear quite different. Importantly, it also differs in significant ways from litigation in court. This course covers the rules and procedures unique to arbitration as well as the law governing arbitration and how that law enables or prevents parties from enforcing arbitration agreements and awards. This course will also cover those important aspects of advocacy that distinguish arbitration from litigation in court.