Levin College of Law

Academic Workshops — Spring 2024

Many outstanding scholars present their research and forthcoming scholarship throughout the year. Below you may explore a list of the distinguished scholars who will present in our academic workshop series, both in-person and virtually, this year.

Tuesday, January 16

Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Faculty Workshop

Nadia Banteka, Gary & Sallyn Pajcic Professor, Florida State University College of Law, presents.  Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Friday, January 26

University of Florida Levin College of Law Tax Colloquium

Linda Sugin, Professor of Law, Economics and Political Science, Fordham University School of Law, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: TBD
Location: TBD

Tuesday, January 30

Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Faculty Workshop

Joseph Blocher, Lanty L. Smith ’67 Distinguished Professor of Law and Senior Associate Dean of Faculty and Research, Duke University School of Law, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Thursday February 8 and Friday, February 9

30th Annual Public Interest Environmental Conference

Please join UF Law for the student run 30th Annual Public Interest Environmental Conference. This year’s topic is Waste Not, Want Not. The Florida Bar has awarded 7.5 General CLEs for this free conference. More information, including the agenda, speaker information, and registration, is available at the conference website Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: 6:00pm on February 8 and 8:30am on February 9
Location: University of Florida Levin College of Law

Monday, February 12

Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Faculty Workshop

Angela K. Littwin, Ronald D. Krist Professor of Law, The University of Texas at Austin School of Law, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Thursday, February 15

Overton Lecture in Florida Constitutional Law

Justice Jorge Labarga, Florida Supreme Court, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: 3:30 pm ET
Location: Holland Hall 285C

Monday, February 19

Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Faculty Workshop

Quinn Curtis, Associate Dean for Curricular Programs and The Honorable Albert V. Bryan Jr. ’50 Research Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Wednesday, February 21

Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations Spring Lecture

Please join the Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations for the 2024 CSRRR Spring Lecture, co-sponsored by the Florida Law Schools’ Consortium on Racial Justice. Jonathan Barry-Blocker, Civil Rights Attorney and former Visiting Legal Skills Lecturer, University of Florida Levin College of Law; Johanna Kalb, Dean, University of Idaho College of Law; LeRoy Pernell, Professor of Law, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University College of Law; Sudha Setty, Dean, City University of New York  School of Law; and Howard M. Wasserman, Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development; Florida International University College of Law;  will discuss Legal Minds & Free Thought: Safeguarding Academic Freedom During Political Upheaval. This event is streaming via Zoom webinar; please register here. An in-person webinar viewing option plus lunch will be available in 285B Brock Hall; registration is required. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Virtually and In-Person Viewing in 285B Brock Hall

Thursday, February 22

Overton Lecture in Florida Constitutional Law

Justice Charles T. Canady, Florida Supreme Court, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: 3:30pm ET
Location: Holland Hall 285C

Friday, February 23

2023 Rails to Trails in the Court of Federal Claims CLE Presentation

Please join Judge Armando O. Bonilla of the United States Court of Federal Claims, Brian Herman of the Department of Justice Environment and Natural Resources Division, Meghan Largent of Lewis Rice LLC Rails to Trails Practice Group, and T. Terrell Sessums and Gerald Sohn Professor in Constitutional Law Danaya Wright, for a free CLE on Rails to Trails in the Court of Federal Claims. This event has been approved for 3.0 General and 3.0 State and Federal Government and Administrative Practice CLE credits by The Florida Bar. This event is both in-person and streaming via Zoom webinar. You may register here. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: 9:30am
Location: Holland Hall 180

Monday, February 26

2024 Walter O. Weyrauch Distinguished Lecture in Family Law

Nancy E. Dowd, David H. Levin Chair in Family Law Emerita, University of Florida Distinguished Professor Emerita, Professor of Law Emerita, Emerita Director, Center on Children & Families, University of Florida Levin College of Law; and Margaret Beale Spencer, Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor Emerita, University of Chicago Department of Comparative Human Development; deliver the 2024 Weyrauch Distinguished Lecture in Family Law. The lecture, Radical Brown: Keeping the Promise to America’s Children, will be recorded. Professors Dowd and Spencer have a forthcoming book of the same name available on May 4, 2024, published by Harvard Education Press.  Registration is required; please register here. Lunch will be served. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information and to RSVP.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Monday, February 26

Institute for Dispute Resolution Spring Lecture

Leonard Riskin, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Florida Levin College of Law delivers the Institute for Dispute Resolution Spring Lecture, via Zoom webinar. Please register here. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: 1:30pm
Location: Zoom Webinar

Wednesday and Thursday, February 28-29

11th Annual UF Law E-Discovery Conference

UF Law’s 11th Annual E-Discovery Conference will be held on February 28 and 29, 2024, with in-person and virtual options. Please register here.
Location: UF Law Campus and Virtual

Thursday, February 29

75 Years of the Genocide Convention

Melanie O’Brien, Visiting Professor at the Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota and Associate Professor of International Law, University of Western Australia Law School, presents 75 Years of the Genocide Convention, courtesy of the Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Lecture Series fund. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information. Lunch will be served.
Time: 12:00pm
Location: Holland Hall 360

Friday, March 1

2024 Technology, Media, and Privacy Law Conference

UF’s 2024 Technology, Media, and Privacy Law Conference will be held on March 1, 2024, with in-person and virtual options. Please see the Conference webpage for a detailed agenda and speaker biographies. This event has been approved for 8.5 General and 8.5 Technology CLEs by the Florida Bar. Attendance is free but registration is required. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Location: UF Law Campus and Virtual

Monday, March 4

Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Internal Faculty Workshop

Wentong Zheng, Professor of Law, University of Florida Levin College of Law, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Thursday, March 7

Overton Lecture in Florida Constitutional Law

Justice Barbara Pariente (Ret.), Florida Supreme Court, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: 3:30 pm ET
Location: Virtual

Monday, March 18

Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Faculty Workshop

David I. Walker, Professor of Law and Maurice Poch Faculty Research Scholar, Boston University School of Law, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Tuesday, March 19

2024 Wolf Family Lecture on the American Law of Real Property

Please join Maureen Brady, Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law and Deputy Dean, Harvard Law School, as she delivers the 2024 Wolf Family Lecture on the American Law of Real Property. Lunch will be served; an RSVP is required. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information and to RSVP. You may join the event via Zoom.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space and via Zoom

Thursday, March 21

UF Law and the Brechner Center Present Floyd Abrams

The University of Florida Levin College of Law and the Brechner Center for the Advancement for the First Amendment at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications present Floyd Abrams, Senior Counsel, Cahill, Gordon, & Reindel LLP. Mr. Abrams will discuss, “Is the U.S. Falling Out of Love With the First Amendment?” with Jane Bambauer, Professor of Law & Brechner Eminent Scholar Chair, College of Journalism and Communications; and Lyrissa Lidsky, Raymond & Miriam Ehrlich Chair in U.S. Constitutional Law. Lunch will be served; an RSVP is required. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space and via Zoom

Monday, March 25

Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Faculty Workshop

Vikramaditya S. Khanna, William W. Cook Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Tuesday, March 26

Overton Lecture in Florida Constitutional Law

Justice John D. Couriel, Florida Supreme Court, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: 3:30 pm ET
Location: Holland Hall 285C

Friday, March 29

University of Florida Levin College of Law Tax Colloquium

Doron Narotzki, Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Akron College of Business, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: 11:30am
Location: Holland Hall 359
a href=”https://www.law.ufl.edu/law/wp-content/uploads/3-29-24-Narotzki-TC.png” target=”blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Invitation

Monday, April 1

Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Faculty Workshop

Rachelle Holmes Perkins, Associate Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Programming, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Friday, April 5

2024 Ellen Bellet Gelberg Tax Policy Lecture

Please join William G. Gale, Arjay and Frances Fearing Miller Chair in Federal Economic Policy, Senior Fellow – Economic Studies, & Co-Director – Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center; Jacob Goldin, Richard M. Lipton Professor of Tax Law, The University of Chicago The Law School; Omri Marian Professor of Law, University of California Irvine School of Law; and Nicol E. Turner-Lee, Senior Fellow – Governance Studies & Director – Center for Technology Innovation, The Brookings Institution; for the 2024 Ellen Bellet Gelberg Tax Policy Lecture, AI, Tax, and Society. Lunch will follow in the Bailey Event Space and Patio from noon-2pm. Registration for lunch is required; please register here. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information. You may join the webinar for both sessions here.
Time: 9:30-Noon
Location: Morgan and Morgan Courtroom, Martin Levin Advocacy Center 106

Monday, April 8

Marshall M. Criser Distinguished Faculty Workshop

Jack Whiteley, Associate Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School, presents. Please contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Time: Noon ET
Location: Bailey Event Space

Thursday, April 18 and Friday, April 19

Dunwody Distinguished Lecture in Law

Please join the Florida Law Review for the 2024 Dunwody Distinguished Lecture in Law. This year, the annual event is taking place over two days. Three panels on elections are convening on Thursday, April 18. Panel I: Judiciary’s Role in Elections runs from 1:30-2:30pm, Panel II: Redistricting runs from 2:45 tp 3:45pm, and Panel III: Election Integrity runs from 4:00-5:00pm. The 2024 Dunwody Distinguished Lecture in Law continues on Friday, April 19 at 10:30am, as Richard Pildes, Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law, New York University School of Law, presents Combatting Political Extremism. You may find more information at the Florida Law Review’s website. You may register here. The full event has been approved for 5.5 General CLEs by The Florida Bar. For more information, please email the Symposium editors at flrsymposium@law.ufl.edu.
Time: April 18 at 1:30pm and April 19 at 10:30am
Location: MLAC 106

Thursday, May 9 through Saturday, May 11

27th Annual Critical Tax Conference

The University of Florida Levin College of Law is pleased to host the 27th Annual Critical Tax Conference. Leading tax scholars participating in this in-person event will present draft papers, participate in a panel discussion on The Relationship between Critical Tax and Traditional Tax Scholarship, and develop new research topics in incubator sessions by soliciting discussion and feedback from conference participants. Please see the conference website or contact ruthm@law.ufl.edu for more information.
Location: University of Florida Levin College of Law.