Faculty Expertise: Trial and Appellate Advocacy
Stacy Biggart

Legal Skills Professor
Email: biggart@law.ufl.edu
Expertise: Civil Litigation • Death Penalty • Legal Writing • Trial and Appellate Advocacy •
Lisa M. De Sanctis

Director of Legal Writing and Drafting
Email: desanctis@law.ufl.edu Phone: (352) 273-0629
Expertise: Intimate Partner Violence • Legal Writing • Trial and Appellate Advocacy •
Browse Expertises
- Accounting
- Administrative Law
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
- Africa (particularly Rwanda)
- Agricultural Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Antitrust and Competition Policy
- Appellate Advocacy
- Arbitration
- Art Law
- Artificial Intelligence
- Atrocity Crimes
- Atrocity Prevention and Response
- Bankruptcy
- Bill of Rights
- Biotechnology Law
- Blockchain
- Business & Corporate Law
- Business Succession
- Bystanders and Upstanders
- Central Bank Digital Currency
- Charitable Entities and Charitable Giving
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Welfare
- Children & the Law
- Children's Privacy
- Children's Rights
- Chinese Law and Economy
- Civil Litigation
- Civil Litigation & Procedure
- Civil Procedure
- Civil Rights
- Class Action and Complex Litigation
- Climate Change
- Commercial Litigation
- Communications Law
- Comparative Corporate Law
- Comparative Law
- Complex Litigation
- Condominium Law
- Conflict of Laws
- Constitutional Criminal Procedure
- Constitutional History
- Constitutional Law
- Contract Litigation
- Contract Negotiation and Drafting
- Contracts
- Copyright
- Corporate & Business Tax
- Corporate and Securities Law
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Law
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate Tax
- Corporate Tax Law
- Corporations
- Court Rules and Procedures
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure
- Critical Race Theory
- Cross-Border Taxation
- Cryptocurrency
- Cuba
- Cybersecurity
- Data Privacy & Access
- Death Penalty
- Debt Ceiling
- Debtor-Creditor Relations
- Defamation
- Deficits and National Debt
- Democracy and the Rule of Law
- Digital Citizenship
- Dispute Resolution
- Distributed Energy
- Distributive Justice
- Economic Analysis of Law
- Electric Grid Reliability
- Electronic Discovery
- Eminent Domain
- Empirical Analysis of Law
- Empirical Research
- Energy
- Environmental Law
- Environmental Tax Law
- Equal Rights Amendment
- Estate Planning
- Estates & Trusts
- Ethics & Professional Responsibility
- Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Medical Software
- European Union
- Evidence
- Exclude
- Exempt Organizations
- Externships
- Family Law
- Family Law (Parentage)
- Federal Administrative Law
- Federal Appellate Jurisdiction
- Federal Civil Procedure
- Federal Clerkships
- Federal Courts
- Federal Income Tax
- Federal Income Tax Controversy
- Federal Jurisdiction
- Federal Sentencing
- Federal Transfer Taxes (Estate, Gift and GST)
- Federalism
- Feminist Jurisprudence
- Fiduciary Duties
- Fifth Amendment
- Finance
- Financial Analysis
- Financial Regulation
- FinTech
- First Amendment
- Florida Administrative Law
- Florida Constitution
- Florida Constitutional History
- Food & Drug Law
- Formal and Quantitative Methods
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Fourth Amendment
- Free Expression
- Freedom of Expression
- Freedom of Information Act
- Freedom of Press
- Freedom of Speech
- Future Interests
- Global Tax Development
- Government Information
- Gun Rights
- Health Law
- Health Policy
- Healthcare Administration
- Heirs' Property Rights
- Human Rights
- Human Trafficking
- Immigration Law
- Income Tax Law
- Income Taxation of Estates and Trusts
- Insurance Law
- Intellectual Property
- International and Regional Human Rights (Inter-America and Europe)
- International and Transitional Justice
- International and Transnational Law
- International Commercial Arbitration
- International Contract Law
- International Courts and Tribunals (including the International Criminal Court)
- International Criminal Law
- International Economic Law
- International Environmental Law
- International Human Rights Law
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Intellectual Property
- International Investment Arbitration
- International Law
- International Public Law
- International Sales Law
- International Tax
- International Taxation
- International Trade and Business
- Internet Law
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Jewish Law
- Judicial Administration
- Jurisprudence
- Labor & Employment Law
- Land Use
- Large Public Company Bankruptcies
- Law and Religion
- Law and Social Sciences
- Law and Technology
- Legal Document Drafting
- Legal Drafting
- Legal Ethics
- Legal History
- Legal Research
- Legal Strategy
- Legal Technology
- Legal Theory
- Legal Writing
- Legislation
- Legislation (including Bad Samaritan Laws)
- Legislative Power
- LGBT Issues
- Library Outreach
- Limits of Economic Analysis
- Local Government
- Local Government Law
- Marriage Equality
- Mass Media Law
- Media Law
- Mediation
- Medical Technology
- Mental Health
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Mindfulness in the Law
- National Security Law
- Natural Resources
- Negotiation
- Nonprofit Organizations Drafting
- Ocean and Coastal Law & Policy
- Originalism
- Partnership Tax
- Poverty Law
- Privacy
- Privacy Torts
- Probate and Fiduciary Administration
- Professional Responsibility
- Property Law
- Public Health Law
- Public International Law
- Puerto Rico
- Race & Crime
- Race and Law
- Railroads and Railroad Law
- Real Estate
- Regulation
- Regulation of Clinical Laboratories
- Regulation of Financial Institutions
- Regulation of Genomic and Gene-editing Technologies
- Regulatory Takings
- Renewable Energy
- S.T.E.M. subjects
- Second Amendment
- Secured Transactions
- Securities
- Securities Regulation
- Sentencing
- Sexual Orientation
- Sharenting
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Social Justice
- Social Media
- Social Security
- Sociology of Law
- Sovereignty
- Space Law
- Space Taxation
- State and Federal Prosecution
- State Constitutional Law
- States Rights
- Statutory Interpretation
- Sustainability
- Systems Analysis of Law
- Takings Clause Jurisprudence
- Tax Law
- Tax Legislation
- Tax Policy
- Taxation
- Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships
- Taxation of Estates & Trusts
- Technology
- Technology Law and Policy
- Tenth Amendment
- Textualism
- Tort Law
- Transactional Law & Practice
- Transgender Rights
- Trauma Informed Client Representation
- Trial and Appellate Advocacy
- Trial Practice
- U.S. Foreign Policy
- U.S. International Tax
- U.S. National Security
- U.S. Supreme Court
- U.S. Territorial Possessions
- United Nations (including the UN Security Council)
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Urban Revitalization
- Veterans Law
- Vulnerability Theory
- War and War Crimes
- Water Law
- White Collar Crime
- Wills
- Women & Gender History
- Women, Gender and the Law
- Wrongful Convictions
- Zoning