Levin College of Law

Jeffrey Davis

Emeritus Professor of Law

Mailing Address:
Box #117625 Gainesville, FL 32611

(352) 273-0956


Professor Davis has specialized in Contract, Commercial, and Bankruptcy law since 1973, publishing numerous articles on Consumer Credit, Bankruptcy, and Banking law. He taught at the University of South Dakota, Rutgers-Camden University, and New York University Law Schools before joining the University of Florida faculty in 1981. He is a member of the California, Florida, and American Bar Associations.  He is a past chair of the Bankruptcy/UCC Committee of the Business Section of the Florida Bar, and regularly serves on the Legislation Committee of the Executive Council of the Business Law Section.  From 1995 to 2001 he served as the Reporter for the Business Section’s Special Committee on Post-Judgment Creditors’ Remedies and was the principal drafter of the Florida Judgment Lien Statute.  In recent years he has received the Florida Law School Professor of the Year Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Business Law Section of the Florida Bar, and has written about Florida’s new Judgment Lien Statute, the use of the In Pari Delicto defense in bankruptcy cases, and the amendments to the Florida Assignment-for-the-Benefit-of-Creditors law, protection of charities from avoidance of donations as fraudulent conveyances, and the first steps taken by the United States and Australia to regulate the decision to grant consumer credit.


LL.M., University of Michigan
J.D., Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
B.S., University of California, Los Angeles

Teaching & Scholarship

Contracts, Sales, Domestic and International Sales and Lease of Goods, Commercial Paper, Secured Transactions, Bankruptcy, Debtor-Creditor Relations, Banking Regulation



  • Regulating for the First Time the Decision to Grant Consumer Credit: A Look at the First Steps Taken by the United States and Australia, 26 U. Fla. J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 131 (2015) [SSRN]
  • Choosing Among Innocents: Should Donations to Charities be Protected from Avoidance as Fraudulent Transfers, 22 U. Fla. J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 407 (2012)
  • Florida’s Beefed-Up Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors as an Alternative to Bankruptcy, 19 U. Fla. J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 17 (2008) [SSRN]
  • Ending the Nonsense: The In Pari Delicto Doctrine Has Nothing to do With What is 541 Property of the Bankruptcy Estate, 21 Emory Bankr. Dev. J. 519 (2005)
  • Fixing Florida’s Execution Lien Law Part Two: Florida’s New Judgment Lien on Personal Property, 54 Fla. L. Rev. 119 (2002)
  • Fixing Florida’s Execution Lien Law, 48 Fla. L. Rev. 658 (1996)