Julian Cook
Samuel T. Dell Professor of Law
Professor Julian A. Cook III comes to University of Florida Levin College of Law from the University of Georgia School of Law, where he was a J. Alton Hosch Professor of Law.
Specializing in criminal law, criminal procedure and evidence, Professor Cook served for several years as an assistant U.S. attorney in Nevada and the District of Columbia. While a federal prosecutor and a member of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, he was responsible for the handling of an array of criminal matters, including felony narcotic, white-collar and various arrest-generated cases during the trial and appellate stages. He also served as a judicial clerk for Judge Philip M. Pro of the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada.
Professor Cook is the author or co-author of three books: Inside Adjudicative Criminal Procedure: What Matters and Why (Wolters Kluwer) (with A. Cook); Inside Investigative Criminal Procedure: What Matters and Why (Wolters Kluwer); and Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers (West) (with R. Carlson and M. Carlson). His articles and essays have been published (or are forthcoming) in the Boston College Law Review, the Brigham Young University Law Review, the Brooklyn Law Review, the Colorado Law Review, the Georgetown Law Journal Online, the George Washington Law Review, the Georgia Law Review, the Georgia Law Review Online, the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the Michigan Journal of Law Reform, the Notre Dame Law Review (twice), the Notre Dame Law Review Online, the U.C.L.A. Law Review Discourse, the Wake Forest Law Review and the Yale Journal of International Law.
He earned his bachelor’s degree from Duke University, his Master of Public Administration from Columbia University and his Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia.
J.D., University of Virginia
M.P.A., Columbia University
B.A., Duke University
Teaching and Scholarship
Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Evidence
- Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers 2022-23 ed.(West, 2022) (with R. Carlson & M. Carlson).
- Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers 2021-22 ed.(West, 2021) (with R. Carlson & M. Carlson).
- Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers 2020-21 ed.(West, 2020) (with R. Carlson & M. Carlson).
- Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers 2019-20 ed.(West, 2019) (with R. Carlson & M. Carlson).
- Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers 2018-19 ed.(West, 2018) (with R. Carlson & M. Carlson).
- Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers 2017-18 ed.(West, 2017) (with R. Carlson & M. Carlson).
- Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers 2016-17 ed.(West, 2016) (with R. Carlson & M. Carlson).
- Inside Adjudicative Criminal Procedure: What Matters and Why (Wolters Kluwer, 2016) (with A. Cook).
- Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers 2015-16 ed.(West, 2015) (with R. Carlson & M. Carlson).
- Trial Handbook for Georgia Lawyers 2014-15 ed. (West, 2014) (with R. Carlson & M. Carlson).
- Inside Investigative Criminal Procedure: What Matters and Why (Aspen Publishers) (2012).
- Suspicionless Policing, 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1568 (2021).
- Prosecuting Executive Branch Wrongdoing, 54 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 401 (2021).
- Presidential Crimes Matter, 68 UCLA L. Rev. Discourse 222 (2020).
- Federal Guilty Pleas: Inequities, Indigence and the Rule 11 Process, 60 B.C. L. Rev. 1073 (2019).
- The Grand Jury: A Shield of a Different Sort, 51 Ga L. Rev. 1001 (2018).
- The Wrong Decision at the Wrong Time: Utah v. Strieff in the Era of Aggressive Policing, 70 SMU L. Rev. 293 (2017).
- Police Reform and the Judicial Mandate, 50 Ga. L. Rev. Online 1 (2016).
- Policing in the Era of Permissiveness: Mitigating Misconduct Through Third-Party Standing, 81 Brook. L Rev. 1120 (2016).
- Police Culture in the Twenty-First Century: A Critique of the President’s Task Force’s Final Report, 91 Notre Dame L. Rev. Online 105 (2016).
- Plea Bargaining, Sentence Modifications and the Real World, 48 Wake Forest L. Rev. 65 (2013).
- Crumbs from the Master’s Table: The Supreme Court, Pro Se Defendants and the Federal Guilty Plea Process, 81 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1895 (2006).
- Plea Bargaining at The Hague, 30 Yale J. Int’l L. 473 (2005).
- ‘All Aboard! The Supreme Court, Guilty Pleas and the Railroading of Criminal Defendants, 75 Colo. L. Rev 863 (2004).
- Federal Guilty Pleas Under Rule 11: The Unfulfilled Promise of the Post-Boykin Era, 77 Notre Dame L. Rev. 597 (2002).
- The Independent Counsel Statute: A Premature Demise,1999 BYU L. Rev. 1367 (1999).
- Mend It or End It? What To Do With the Independent Counsel Statute, 22 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 279 (1998).