Larry A. DiMatteo
Affiliate Professor of Law
Huber Hurst Professor of Contract Law & Legal Studies Warrington College of Business
Mailing Address:
Box #117165 Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 392-0323
Artificial Intelligence • Comparative Law • Contracts • European Union • International Contract Law • International Sales Law • Jurisprudence •
Professor Larry A. DiMatteo is the Huber Hurst Professor of Contract Law & Legal Studies at the Warrington College of Business & Affiliate Professor at the Levin College of Law at the University of Florida. He was the Teacher Scholar of the year in 2012 at UF. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the American Business Law Journal and has authored over 170 publications & 18 books. Edited books include DiMatteo, et al (eds) Artificial Intelligence: Global Perspectives on Law & Ethics (CUP 2022); DiMatteo, et al. (eds) Judicial Control of Arbitral Awards (CUP 2021); DiMatteo, et al. (eds) Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology & Digital Platforms (CUP 2020), as well as DiMatteo, Chinese Contract Law: Civil and Common Law Perspectives (CUP 2018) (with Chen Lei).
LL.M., Harvard Law School
J.D., Cornell Law School (magna cum laude)
Ph.D., Monash University (Australia)
B.A., (economics); B.A. (Political Science) State University of New York at Buffalo (summa cum laude)
Teaching and Scholarship
Contract Law; Contract Theory; Comparative Contract Law; International Sales Law; Law and Technology
- Strategic Contracting & Business Lawyering
- Comparative Contract Law: A Tale of Two Legal Systems (with Hogg and Martin) (Oxford U. Press, 2015)
- Editor, International Sales Law: A Global Challenge (Cambridge U. Press, 2014)
- Commercial Contract Law: Transatlantic Perspectives (with Q. Zhou, S. Saintier, K. Rowler, et. al.) (Cambridge U. Press, 2014)
- International Contracting Law (3d ed.) (Wolters Kluwer Law International, 2013)
Book Chapters
- Legal Justification in Anglo-American Common Law” in Legal Justification (Kluwer Law International, 2014)
- “Tale of Two Sales Laws” (with Qi Zhou) in Comparative Contract Law: A Tale of Two Countries (2014)
- “Use of Soft Law In International Commercial Contract Arbitration” in China and International Commercial Dispute Resolution (Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2014)
- “CISG in National Courts,” ”The Global Challenge of International Sales Law,” “Interpretive Methodologies in the Interpretation of CISG” (with Andre Janssen), and “Future of International Sales Law,” in International Sales Law: A Global Challenge Law (Cambridge U. Press, 2014)
- “Transatlantic Perspectives: Fundamental Themes and Debates” (with Qi Zhou and Severine Saintier) and “Unifying International Sales Law” in Commercial Contract Law: Transatlantic Perspectives (Cambridge U. Press, 2013)
- “The Curious Case of Transborder Sales Law” in CISG and Regional Private Law Unification (Sellier European Publishers, 2012)
- “Strategic Contracting” (with George Siedel and Helena Haapio), in Proactive Law, (DJØF Publisher: Copenhagen, DN, 2012) Articles
- Impossibility and Hardship in International Business Law, 22 J. Int’l Econ. L. (2015) (in press) (one of China’s premier law journals; and the premier journal in international business and trade law)
- Choosing Values: Public-Private Relationships in a Global Economy, 32 J. Legal Stud. Educ. 313 (2015) (with Larry & Virginia Maurer)
- Questioning the Ubiquitousness but Not the Value of Arbitration Carve-Outs, Fla. L. Rev. F. (2015)
- Behavioral Approach to the Common Law Penalty Rule, 23 Eur. Rev. Private Law 327 (2015)
- An American Perspective on the Works of Hugh Beale, 23 European Review of Private L. 159 (2015)
- Contractual Excuse under the CISG: Impediment, Hardship and the Excuse Doctrines, 27 Pace Int’l L. Rev. 416 (2015)
- Contract Stories: Importance of Contextual Approach to Law,” 88 Wash. L. Rev. 1287 (2013)
- How Innovative is the Common European Sales Law? Using the CISG as a Benchmark, 18 Contratto e Impressa Europa 512 (2013)
- Principle of Fair and Equitable Decision-making in International Contract Arbitration and its Affinity to International Soft Law, 1 Chinese J. Comp. L. 1 (2013)
- CISG as Basis for Comprehensive International Sales Law, 58 Vill. L. Rev. 691 (2013)
- Contract Law as Core and Contract Law as Peripheral: Fifty Years of Contract Law Scholarship, 50 Am. Bus. L.J. 1 (2012)
- Parallel National and International Laws — Czech Law and the Proposed Common European Sales Law, 3 Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law 207 (2012)
- False Dichotomies in Commercial Contract Interpretation, 11 J. Int’l Trade L. & Pol’y 27 (2012)
- Law in Context: Teaching Legal Studies through the Lens of Extra-Legal Sources, (with Sandra Miller), 29 J. Legal Stud. Educ. (2012)
- Interpretive Uncertainty: Methodological Solutions for Interpreting the CISG, (with André Janssen), 2 Netherlands J. Com. L. 52 (2012) [SSRN]