Mary Kathleen Price
Emeritus Associate Dean for Legal Information
J.D., University of Illinois (with honors)
M.S., Florida State University
B.A., University of Florida (with honors)
Teaching and Scholarship
Art Law, Cultural Property
- “Careers in Legal Information,” (2d ed)(2007).
- “Careers in Legal Information,” ASIL Careers in International Law: A guide to Career Paths, Internships in International Law” at 36-38 (2005).
- “Finding US Law on the Internet,” 40-59 (English); 40-71 (Chinese) in Roaming the Virtual Law Library: a Guide to Online Sources for Legal Researchers (Liu and Yu ed. 2004).
- “Julius Marke: in Memoriam,” 96 L, Lib’y J. 9-15 (2004).
- “The Search for Meaning in ‘Law and Language,’” Language and the Law; Proceedings of a Conference, Tarleton Law Library, The University of Texas School of Law, December 6-8, 2001 Robinson ed 2003) at 403-11.
- Setting the Legal Information Agenda for the Year 2000 (Based on a Workshop of the American Association of Law Libraries National Legal Resources Committee, Washington, October 23-26, 1988) 3 vols., Littleton, Colorado: Fred B. Rothman Co., 1993. Author, “The Death of the Up-Down Distinction,” at 327.
Speeches and Presentations
- Net Directions: Managing yourself and your Library, AALS annual meeting, New Or1earns, 1995.
- “Technology and Library Organization”, AALL, Seattle, 1994.
- “Technology change and Law Library Administration,” St. Johns University, 1994.
- “Now that the Honeymoon is Over; Workshop for New Law Library Directors,” AALS, New Orleans, 1994.