Joan D. Flocks
Emeritus Associate in Law
Emeritus Director, Social Policy Division Center for Governmental Responsibility
Emeritus Affiliate Faculty, Center for Latin American Studies
(352) 273-0837
Joan Flocks is the Emeritus Director of Social Policy for the Center for Governmental Responsibility (CGR). She publishes in the areas of social justice lawyering, poverty law, and environmental justice. She was previously an assistant professor at the UF College of Medicine and before that worked for many years as a legal services attorney in Florida. She has worked as a project manager, consultant, and investigator on several environmental justice and community-based participatory research projects, focusing on topics including farmworker occupational and environmental health, farmworker housing, community health assessment, TANF recipient health perspectives, worker eye safety, worker reproductive health, and community vulnerability and resiliency. She has been involved both internationally and domestically in applied projects and presentations to governmental agencies on diverse topics such post-political settlement resolution, conflict resolution, substandard housing, and community environmental health. She received her M.A. in Latin American Studies and her J.D. from the University of Florida.
J.D., University of Florida
M.A., University of Florida
B.S., University of Florida
Teaching and Scholarship
Environmental Justice, Poverty Law, Community-Based Participatory Research, Immigrant Groups in the Southeast
- Social Justice Lawyering
Book Chapters
- “Implementing a Community-Based Social Marketing Project to Improve Agricultural Worker Health,” (with Clarke L, Albrecht S, Bryant C, Monaghan P, and Baker H) in Social Marketing (R.C.Lefebvre, ed.) (SAGE Publications, 2013) (Reprinted from 109:3 Environmental Health Perspectives 461 (2001)
- Historical and Current Insights on Environmental Health and Agricultural Guestworkers, 48 Ecology L.Q. (forthcoming 2021) (with Maria Espinoza)
- Inflammation-Related Factors Identified as Biomarkers of Dehydration and Subsequent Acute Kidney Injury in Agricultural Workers, 23 Biological Res. Nursing 676 (2021) (with Madelyn C. Houser, Valerie Mac, et al.)
- An Outbreak of COVID-19 Among H-2A Temporary Agricultural Workers, 111 Am. J. Pub. Health 571 (2021) (with Michael Lauzardo, Nadia Kovacevich, et al).
- Cooling Interventions Among Agricultural Workers: Qualitative Field-Based Study, 19 Hisp. Health Care Int’l 174 (2021) (with Roxana Chicas, Nezahualcoyotl Xiuhtecutli, et al).
- Factors for Reaching Core Body Temperature Thresholds in Florida Agricultural Workers, 63 J. Occupational & Envtl. Med. 395 (2021) (with Valerie Mac, Lisa Elon, et al).
- Collecting Comparative Data on Farmworker Housing and Health: Recommendations for Collecting Housing and Health Data Across Places and Time, 25 New Solutions 256 (2015) (with Arcury TA, Gabbard S, Bell B, Casanova V, Swanberg JE, Wiggins MF)
- The Deepwater Horizon Disaster Compensation Process as Corrective Justice: Views from the Ground Up, (with J. Davies) 84 Miss. L.J. 1 (2014)
- Occupational Risks and Pregnancy and Infant Health Outcomes in Florida Farmworkers, (with Runkle, J. et al) 11 Int. J. Envtl. Research & Pub. Health 7820 (2014)
- Pesticide Risk Perception and Biomarkers of Exposure in Florida Female Farmworkers, (with Runkle J, Tovar-Aguilar JA, Economos E, Williams B, Muniz JF, Semple M, and McCauley L.) 55 J. Occupational & Envtl. Med. 1286 (2013)
- Female Farmworkers’ Health During Pregnancy: Health Provider Perspective, (with Kelley M, Economos J, and McCauley L.). 61 Workplace Health & Safety 308 (2013)
- Female Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Heat-Related Illness and Pregnancy Health, (with Thien Mac V, Runkle J, Tovar-Aguilar JA, Economos J, and McCauley L) 18 J. Agromedicine 350 (2013)
- The Environmental and Social Injustice of Farmworker Pesticide Exposure, 19 Geo. J. on Poverty L. & Pol’y 255 (2012) [SSRN]
- Female Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Pesticide Exposure and Pregnancy Health, (with Kelley M, Economos J, and McCauley, L.), 14 J. Immigrant & Minority Health 626, (2012)
- Effectiveness of Public Health Nursing Case-Management on the Health of Women Receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial using Community Based Participatory Research, (with Kneipp SM, Kairalla JA, Lutz BJ, Pereira D, Hall AG, Beeber L, and Schwartz T.), 101 Am. J. Pub. Health 1759 (2011)
- Environmental Justice Implications of Urban Tree Cover in Miami-Dade County, Florida, (with Escobedo F, Wade J, Varela S and Wald C.), 4 Envtl. Just. 125 (2011) [SSRN]
- The Role of Employers and Supervisors in Promoting Pesticide Safety Behavior among Florida Farmworkers. American J. Industrial Med. 53(8):814-824 (2010) (with Mayer B and Monaghan P).